Things to do before I die

Posted: January 7, 2011 in thingtodobeforeidie

Establish big enough business that I don’t get time to sleep in bed.I will take naps while travelling(car,air,etc)

Quote of the day – Knowledge

Posted: January 7, 2011 in Quotes

Millions of people falsely believe that “Knowledge is Power”.Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power only when , and if , it is organised into definite plans of action and directed to a definite end.   

 –  Think and grow rich(Napolean Hill)

10 Rs. Note

Posted: January 6, 2011 in General

What would you do if you found Rs. 10 note on the street/road ?

Whatever I had done with the money , I always felt guilt-laden. I am always in a  dilemma , what to do with the money?

Following are the things I had done at various time with the money I got:

When I was around 12, I found a Rs.2 note  near a shop and I gave it to the shopkeeper.But after returning it to shopkeeper, thoughts came to my mind that I should not have returned to him as the Rs. 2 note might be of some customer and if I got that , then its mine. Then after that , I kept the money with myself which I had found.

When I grew older, I started to give the money to the beggars or donate it in some temple(My Mom’s advice).

When I started the business , I found one(Rs.10)  in the office and kept it with me. My view at that time was that I should respect the money by whatever means they come(at that time I also have the loan of 4 Lakh and was almost broke).

Few days back I saw the Rs. 10 note on street, I didn’t event pick up that as I was not sure what I will do with it.(From that only, I got the idea to write this blog).

I don’t think the above scenerios had been the same if I had found Rs. 500.

True Friends – The Zahir

Posted: January 2, 2011 in General

Our true friends are those who are with us when the good things happen. They cheer us on and are pleased by our triumphs. False friends only appear at difficult times, with their sad, supportive faces, when, in fact, our suffering is serving to console them for their miserable lives…

When I had started my first business(MARWAR) , the friends who use to visit me regularly , didn’t even came at the inaguration.But when I close down the same, they called me up and  express their sympathies. I can relate the above definition of true friends with this experience.


Posted: December 31, 2010 in General

As the year comes to end ,we can retrospect the year and check out what were most revealing news that captured our attention whole year : CORRUPTION. We saw a series of corruption scandals unfold , starting with IPL, CWG, 2G  , Adarsh , SBI loan fixing.

But I loved the way Corruption is defined in the book by C.K.Prahlad  “Fortune at the bottom of  Pyramid” .

“Corruption is about providing priviledged access to resources and recognizing the time value of money.Corruption is a market  mechanism for priviledge access.”

You can justify your wrong deeds by accepting the above definition. When you are at the receiving end of benefits , corruption is always good ,as you get the priviledge access or you can save lot of time by bribing. As was in my case : When I started snack center(MARWAR)  in 2008 , you have to get the fire NOC and Permission from health department . Rather than going the right way which for sure had taken a lot of time and effort from my side , I hired a agent who bribed the officials to get the required NOC within a week which might have take 2 months if I had done it by myself.

Quote of the day

Posted: December 31, 2010 in Quotes

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Prenuptial Agreement

Posted: September 9, 2009 in home, laws

A prenuptial agreement, antenuptial agreement, or premarital agreement, commonly abbreviated to prenup or prenupt, is a contract entered into prior to marriage or civil union by the people intending to marry. The content of a prenuptial agreement can vary widely, but commonly includes provisions for division of property and spousal support in the event of divorce or breakup of marriage.(Wikipedia)

When presented with the idea of a prenuptial agreement, many people automatically put up road blocks and objections.  However, with some thoughtful planning and understanding, these objections can be successfully eliminated and even turned into powerful arguments in favor of a prenuptial agreement.

  • Prenuptial agreements are not romantic.  Well, no they are not.  But a lasting marriage is not based on romance alone.  Qualities such as the ability to talk openly with each other about finances, children and the future are the foundation of a lasting marriage and a successful prenuptial agreement requires all of these components.
  • A prenuptial agreement means we don’t trust each other. A successful prenuptial agreement requires honesty and full disclosure about each party’s assets, debts and desires.  Couples who truly do not trust each other would not be able to engage in the honest discussion that prenuptial negotiation requires.
  • We Are Never Going to Get Divorced.  In today’s society, relationships often break down. In addition, a premarital agreement can define what happens to assets in the case of death, not just divorce.
  • Prenuptial agreements always favor the husband/wealthier party.  As discussed above, a prenuptial agreement can provide future stability for a stay at home parent.  They can also ensure that the less wealthy spouse is financially taken care of (even if it is not the same asset split that a court might give in the absence of a prenuptial agreement).
  • Prenuptial agreements are expensive. Couples should plan on spending approximately $1,500 for the drafting of a prenuptial agreement, and additional legal fees for the reviewing partner. However, when the costs of an ugly contested divorce are factored in, a premarital agreement is well worth the investment. (


Currently divorce rate in India is very low.The following figures will help you to get an idea about the divorce rate in India with respect to global divorce rate.

  • Sweden – 54.9%
  • United States – 54.8%
  • Russia – 43.3%
  • United Kingdom – 42.6
  • Germany – 39.4%
  • Israel – 14.8%
  • Singapore – 17.2%
  • Japan – 1.9%
  • Srilanka – 1.5%
  • India – 1.1%

Even though India still boasts of that nearly hundred percent of the marriages are a success, rapid urbanization and awareness of various rights are now instigating the divorce rate to shoot up. Empowerment of women has initiated the dissolution of marriage in urban areas as financially educated women are now open to the option of ending the relationship rather than to bear life long abuses silently. The campaigns on gender equality are now giving rise to ego clashes between the husband and wife, especially if the wife too is the bread earner of the family.

Few days back I was watching “Sach Ka Samana”(Indian version of “Moment of Truth”) ,  the question was asked to lady that “Are you in your marriage only for your kids?” .I think most women in Indian spent their life with husbands because of kids.

“Five percent of people who don’t get a prenup say it’s because they feel like they couldn’t ask their fiance for one – even if they wanted to – because they’re afraid the wedding would be called off or they’re afraid of appearing heartless. There are worse things, let me tell you. You should be more afraid of losing all your money.” – Donald Trump (My Guru)

 Ten Craziest Prenuptial  agreements:

It is neccessary for everyone , to protect your asset if the marriage goes sour….

I will definately have one…..



My Idols…

Posted: September 4, 2009 in home


Qualites for which I admire them:

1)Donald Trump : Passion and think big attitude.

2)Richard Branson: Number of business/ventures he started.

3)Vince McMahon: Marketing skills.

4)Vijay Mallya: Flamboyant.

5)Dhirubhai Ambani : His desire to make profit by whatever means.

6)Harsh Arora: All of the above

I am one among them….

My Philosophhhhhyyyyy – Hate

Posted: January 9, 2009 in Philosophy

I hate people who :

1)Walk slowly.

2)Does not think/dream big.